
Jobachem GmbH is an international supplier of chemical products and a general service provider for the chemical industry.

With our headquarters in middle Germany – in the heart of Europe – and branches in the USA, Hong Kong and China mainland we supply for highly demanding markets and support numerous renowned companies in the chemical industry.

Jobachem L.P. // 271 17th Street NW, Suite #1750, Atlanta, GA 30363 // USA
Jobachem GmbH // Am Burgberg 13, 37586 Dassel // Germany
Jobachem // 30th Floor, Longhu Ziduxingzuo Building A, 1st Branch,YuSong Rd., Yubei District, Chongqing // China
JOBACHEM Limited // Room 313, 3/F, Central Building // Pedder Street, Hong Kong Central // Hong Kong
JOBACHEM Suzhou Co., Ltd. // Rm 1802, Guoshou Financial Center, Building 24, Yuanrong Times Square, No. 268 Wangdun Rd., Suzhou 215028, Jiangsu Province // China
JOBACHEM Suzhou Co., Ltd. Nanjing Branch // Room 302, No. 349 Ningliu Road, Getang Subdistrict, Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing 210000, Jiangsu Province // China

We are a service provider and a trading company – neither of both in its classic pure form. We combine a deliberate selection of services and a well-considered product portfolio to form an attractive overall package for the chemical industry.

Our main tasks

Jobachem GmbH is a family business for chemical trading and services established in 1992. As an extended workbench for the chemical industry we offer the full spectrum of import, customs clearing, logistics solutions, storage, packaging and formulation of chemical raw materials.


of chemical substances

Processing and preparation

for production and trade


of transportation


It is our aim to complement the distribution of chemical products...

… with customer and product oriented services and thus realize possible advantages for the customer. For this purpose we take over a vast number of working steps which would usually cause disproportionate expenses for our customer. That way, through close collaboration, we develop an individual solution that allows for a smoother and more unimpeded production and work flow.

In order to achieve this goal we employ a multitude of different means.

Our company transport fleet and logistics department provide for a fast and safe product transport. On 8.500 m² storage area chemicals of different hazardous substance classes can be stored on a short and long term basis. Through the use of specially designed refilling and repacking equipment we can exchange, modify and customize packaging to our customers’ needs.

Numbers. Data. Facts.

Service provider for the chemical industry

repacking, mixtures, heating, melting etc.

Importer/ exporter

of chemical substances

Own storage capacities

in accordance with Federal Immission Control Act (BlmSchG) / (German) Hazardous Incident Ordinance

Technical equipment

for safe refilling and repackaging of chemicals

Company vehicle fleet

for flexible logistics


DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001

Participating in EcoVadis

a platform for ratings in Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR