We work like investigators and reassess everything like a police inspector. We are competent working with special materials. Our experts have long-standing experience with chemicals which are hard to purchase and transport. We buy, dispose of and provide substances with great care. While we comply with all regulations we also let creativity have free reign. In this way we support you with implementing your ideas. Jobachem stands for a synthesis of responsibility and reliability.
With headquarters in middle Germany in the heart of Europe and branches in Atlanta (USA), Hongkong and the Chinese mainland we cover highly dedicated markets and support numerous renowned companies in the chemical industry.

Jobachem L.P. // 271 17th Street NW, Suite #1750, Atlanta, GA 30363 // USA
Jobachem GmbH // Am Burgberg 13, 37586 Dassel // Germany
Jobachem // 30th Floor, Longhu Ziduxingzuo Building A, 1st Branch,YuSong Rd., Yubei District, Chongqing // China
JOBACHEM Limited // Room 313, 3/F, Central Building // Pedder Street, Hong Kong Central // Hong Kong
JOBACHEM Suzhou Co., Ltd. // Rm 1802, Guoshou Financial Center, Building 24, Yuanrong Times Square, No. 268 Wangdun Rd., Suzhou 215028, Jiangsu Province // China
JOBACHEM Suzhou Co., Ltd. Nanjing Branch // Room 302, No. 349 Ningliu Road, Getang Subdistrict, Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing 210000, Jiangsu Province // China