You have problems with the classification of the photoinitiator TPO. You are looking for a better classified substitute with similar properties – also for LED curing?
Our new photoinitiator TMO (IUPAC name: [Bis(4-Methylphenyl) Phosphoroso] (2,4,6-Trimethylphenyl) Methanone), CAS No. 270586-78-2, EC No. 884-585-5 can solve your problems!
TMO may be used after adequate testing in UV curable formulations for clear and for pigmented coatings on wood, metal, plastic, paper and optical fibres as well as for printing inks and adhesives. Due to the maximum UV absorption wavelength of approx. 380 nm the photoinitiator is recommended for curing by LED.
TMO offers good solubility in common UV reactive systems, e. g. systems based on acrylates or unsaturated polyesters. It can be used as the sole photoinitiator or in combinations with other photoinitiators, like e. g. α-hydroxy ketones.

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