at Jobachem

Jobachem GmbH feels at home in the field of sales and services for the chemical industry.

When conducting our various business activities we always act in the knowledge that our society can only persist if we operate sustainably. For our company the idea of sustainability has a direct impact on areas such as safety, health and environment protection. Furthermore we focus on bio-based products and put great emphasis on compliance. We are confident that we, as a medium sized company, can also achieve a small but important part for a sustainably society. Thanks to our international relationships this also has an impact on our mainly Asian partners. We constantly strive to improve and achieve our sustainability goals. Following you can find paragraphs for sustainability topics that matter to us especially.

You can also access the latest sustainable development goals report, our policy of health, safety and environment as well as the EcoVadis sustainability rating via the links below.

Sustainable development goals report for 2023Policy of health, safety and environmentEcoVadis Sustainability Rating

Evaluation through EcoVadis

In the knowledge of our entrepreneurial corporate social responsibility and with a sense for sustainability we regularly take part in an assessment through neutral expert personnel of the platform EcoVadis in order to verify our achievements to date and continuously enhance them according to this evaluation.

Thereby the analysts consider the company goals and principles, the established work procedures and business practices as well as the implementation of the sustainability concept with the acquisition and definition of social and environmental standards.

EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

Signatory of the United Nations Global Compact

Since 2020 Jobachem GmbH has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and supports its principles to assure human rights, fight forced and child labor, develop environmentally friendly technology, and engage in anti-corruption.

More informations

Code of Conduct

Moral and ethical values are the base of our actions. We expect our business partners to respect and abide by the same philosophy. With this, corruption, exploitation and unfair competition do not stand a chance. Our standards, which partly exceed statutory provisions, have been defined in a general code of conduct that is not only directed at us but also at our suppliers. The aim of this code is to support our suppliers with the improvement of their social and environmental standards. That way we bear our social responsibility.

Code of Conduct

Bio-based products

Usually chemical products are based on fossil raw materials. However their availability is limited and through the always growing use their existence is constantly decreasing. It is therefore essential that we create sustainable alternatives in order to save the future and the supply for our children and grandchildren.

This is why we increase our focus on bio-based products that are partly or mainly made from renewable resources such as rapeseed, corn etc.

Please pay attention to this symbol. Within our portfolio you will find such bio-based products mainly in the category “plasticizers”


In order to keep humans and the environment safe handling and trading chemicals is strictly regulated.

This is especially true for dangerous goods and/or substances used in sensitive areas such as food, cosmetics or toys. Since the legal circumstances change continuously Jobachem GmbH has a special department that follows those changes and guarantees the continuous compliance with all legal guidelines through seasonable measures.

REACH legislation

On June 1st 2007 the EU-regulation 1907/2006 for registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (REACH) came into effect. With this a new course for the risk assessment of chemicals and the communication of dangers and risks in the supply chain is set.

For producers and importers of chemical substances new duties and responsibilities arise with the introduction of REACH. Particularly the attestation of the risk-free product application becomes the producers’ and importers’ responsibility.

As importer of chemical substances Jobachem GmbH obliged to register all products with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Only products that have gone through this registration process may still be produced inside or imported to the EU. Our product portfolio therefore only contains products that have been registered successfully.

We are happy to answer any further questions regarding REACH.


Important substance data are compiled in the material safety data sheet which is regularly updated. Of course, upon request, we provide our customers with the MSDS.

MSDS inquiry contact

Emergency information for neighbors

According to the so-called Seveso III directive Jobachem GmbH is obliged to thoroughly inform the public about the risks associated with the storage and production of chemicals as well as the according emergency measures planned by the company and city of Dassel.

For this purpose a brochure has been distributed to all households in Dassel. This serves the citizens as a practical guide at incidents and is intended to ensure the highest possible security.

Emergency information for neighbors

Quality and Environmental Management
(DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001)

Our integrated management systems contain methods and instruments for the compliance with requirements and for the development of possibilities within different areas: quality assurance, environmental und work safety as well as preventive health care. They are combined into a coherent structure.

Quality management after DIN EN ISO 9001 continues this aspect and is our foundation for trustful and durable relationships with all our partners (customers, staff, business partners, suppliers, etc.).

As a certified company we continuously reassess our organizational structures and provisions with the objective of enhancement and optimization. Regulated processes not only guarantee for the safety of our staff and equipment alike they also ensure the constantly high quality of our products and services. Additionally the quality of our products is regularly monitored through trial product samples by our in-house analytics laboratory or in cooperation with off-site laboratories.

Download DIN EN ISO 9001

In addition the designated distribution of functions and responsibilities leads to a smooth stream of information at internal and external interfaces and therefore to the minimization of possible sources of error. The documentation of each single work step also allows for the gapless tracing of many processes.

In the scope of our environment management system after DIN EN ISO 14001 we take numerous measures for the protection and preservation of a natural basis for the life of all species and a proper ecological balance.

The reasonable handling of chemicals is naturally equally as important to us as is the use of a management system based on resource-saving and ecological sustainability.

Download DIN EN ISO 14001

Work Safety And Health Care

Our integrated management system does not only benefit nature and the environment, but also the people – in particular our staff: the strict controls and restrictions brought about by quality control and environmental protection concomitantly lead to excellent safety at the work place.

Additionally, we entertain a health care program for all of our employees – from warehouse personnel to management. Regular health checks to prevent occupational illnesses and the availability of various treatments are the mark of this program.